
How Can I Reduce the Risk of Pinkeye in Cattle?

Management : Cow & Calf

Management : Replacement

Nutrition : Minerals

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Purina Animal Nutrition

To reduce risk of pinkeye in cattle, minimize fly exposure by using a fly control mineral for cattle, keep pastures grazed or mowed and use a cattle pinkeye vaccine.

The arrival of summer means an increased risk for pinkeye in cattle. Pinkeye results when an animal’s eye gets infected with Moraxella bovis, Moraxella bovoculi and/or Mycoplasma bovis bacteria. Pinkeye in cattle causes pain and potentially lost performance.

So, what can you do to combat pinkeye in cattle before the first sign of eye inflammation?

1. Provide fly control for cattle

Flies not only increase bacteria exposure, but they also help spread bacteria from one animal to another via eye fluids. Control flies using a fly control mineral for cattle like Wind and Rain® Storm® Fly Control Mineral. This mineral contains Altosid® Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), a feed-through form of fly control for cattle. Also consider using insecticidal ear tags, sprays and pour-ons to help manage face fly populations.

2. Manage pastures

Tall grass can irritate eyes, causing them to tear and attract flies. Keep pastures grazed or mowed to reduce potential irritation.

3. Use a cattle pinkeye vaccine

If you don’t already use a cattle pinkeye vaccine, talk with your veterinarian about your risk level to determine if a vaccine is right for your operation. Your veterinarian will be able to recommend a cattle pinkeye vaccine, best timing for administration and dosage.

Early planning is the best way to reduce your risk for pinkeye in cattle. Use this three-pronged approach to combat pinkeye before it hits your herd.

Try Purina® minerals today through the Proof Pays feeding trial.