Put Cattle Nutrition to the Test with Proof Pays™

How do you know if you cattle nutrition products are optimizing your herd's performance? Use a Purina® Proof Pays™ feeding trial to find out!

Put Cattle Nutrition to the Test with Proof Pays™

How do you know if you cattle nutrition products are optimizing your herd's performance? Use a Purina® Proof Pays™ feeding trial to find out!

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Measure It, Manage It

You have goals and we want to help you achieve them. By participating in a Purina® Proof Pays™ feeding trial, you can find the Purina® product that fits your needs. Reach your herd and operation's performance goals by testing Purina® products such as Purina® Wind and Rain® mineral, Purina® RangeLand® protein tubs or Purina® starter feeds with RX3® Immune Support Technology.

You can measure the results with the help of your local Purina® dealer to see how your cattle performance benefits. Plus, in exchange for your participation, you’ll earn merchandise credit to help your further product savings. Become part of the nearly 6,000 cattle producers who have conducted a Purina® Proof Pays™ feeding trial across more than 765,000 head nationwide.

Find a Feed That Fits


  1. A Purina® Proof Pays™ feeding trial allows producers with 50 cattle or more to test a Purina® feed or mineral product on their operation.

  2. The Purina® Proof Pays™ feeding trial lasts 28 to 90 days on your farm or ranch with the help of your local Purina® dealer.

  3. Earn a merchandise credit by participating in a Purina® Proof Pays™ feeding trial to help pay for Purina® feed and mineral products.

  4. Sign up today and a Purina representative will help get started with a Purina® Proof Pays™ feeding trial.

Connect to your local Purina® dealer.

"The quality of the animal has substantially gotten better."

Ty Hendrick 
Jack Hirschy Livestock, Wisdom, Montana

"As it is for any rancher, you learn by doing… and sometimes it’s as simple as changing your feed program”




"Proof is in the Data"

1,990 operations nationwide have put Purina® Wind and Rain® mineral to the test on 331,000 head. Wind and Rain® mineral is designed to support cattle consistently consuming an average of 4 ounces per head per day. That’s consistent mineral consumption for enhanced cattle performance.

Are you still hungry for information? Check out our management tips!