Weaning Calves? Start Them Strong.

A strong start begins by feeding weaned calves strong starter feeds.

Weaning Calves? Start Them Strong.

A strong start begins by feeding weaned calves strong starter feeds.

Starting Weaned Calves on Feed

At Purina, we believe a strong defense is the best offense in the fight against weaned calf stress and health challenges. That’s why Purina® Precon® and Purina® Accuration® Starter complete feeds and Purina® Stress Care® 5 supplement feeds now include RX3 Immune Support Technology to prepare a calf’s natural defenses to combat respiratory challenges.

Try Purina® Precon® and Purina Accuration® Starter complete feeds or Purina® Stress Care® 5 supplement feeds with RX3 Immune Support Technology today.

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Redefining Nutrition’s Role in Promoting Healthy Calves
Weaning calves is a demanding and hectic time. Calves are often most vulnerable at weaning, facing many stressors with immune systems that aren’t fully developed. As a result, it costs the beef industry time and money to combat respiratory challenges. Feeding weaned calves Purina® starters with RX3 Immune Support Technology helps address stressors and respiratory challenges head-on.
RX3 Immune Support Technology is: Looking for more background on respiratory challenges?

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Research-backed Technology
RX3 Immune Support Technology primes the calf’s natural defenses to support overall calf health and aims to reduce costs.1
Research showed weaned calves fed Purina® starter feeds with RX3 Immune Support Technology:
  • Gained, on average, 6 pounds more than the control group within a 30-day period2
  • Were more uniform because fewer calves were poor performers
  • Had less variation in average daily gain compared to control calves
  • Healthy calves fed RX3 Immune Support Technology gained more weight compared to healthy control calves3
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See The Results for Yourself
There are a lot of preconditioning cattle programs to choose from when you’re starting weaned calves on feed. Put your nutrition to the test when feeding weaned calves with a Proof Pays trial. Test out Purina® Precon and Purina® Accuration® Starter complete feeds or Purina® Stress Care® 5 supplement feeds with RX3 Immune Support Technology and see the results for yourself. 

Our sales team, dealer network and cattle experts across the country are ready to provide expertise and customized support to help achieve healthy calves and results for your bottom line.

Start a Proof Pays Trial

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