
EcoCare® Feeds Help Reduce Ammonia (and Stink) in Pig Manure

Grow/Finish : Grow Finish Production

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Purina Animal Nutrition

There’s no getting around it. Pig manure stinks.
One source of the stink is nitrogen, a natural byproduct of digestion. In your pig manure pit, nitrogen converts into ammonia, one of the leading sources of manure odors.1

How Do EcoCare® Feeds Reduce Ammonia in Pig Manure?

EcoCare® feeds contain an ingredient to trap ammonia, as well as micro-organisms that optimize gut function during digestion and remain in the manure after excretion to keep digesting compounds that stink.
EcoCare® feeds were shown to reduce ammonia by 40 percent in research trials.2
Your pig barn might not smell like roses, but it can stink a lot less!

Feed Your Pigs and Save TimeEcoCare feeds reduce ammonia and nitrogen in pig manure as the pig digests feed.

EcoCare® feeds can also save you time. Research showed pigs fed EcoCare® feeds excreted 14 percent less manure solids,3 and their manure dissolved 33 percent faste4, supporting fast pen cleaning and less time handling manure.
EcoCare® feeds also improved pig manure viscosity,2 making manure less likely to stick to the sides and corners of the pit. You can empty your pit faster and remove manure thoroughly, maintaining pit storage space.
You don’t have to do extra work to save time cleaning and pumping. You just have to feed your pigs. EcoCare® feeds get to work inside the pig. No need for manure pit additives or additional agitation. 

Keep Nitrogen Out of Water

Nitrogen doesn’t just create stink. It is one of the leading contributors of reduced water quality, along with phosphorous, another component of manure. Research showed grow-finish pigs fed EcoCare® feeds excreted 28.4 percent less nitrogen and 24.5 percent less phosphorous in manure.The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorous was optimized for crop fertilizer. The nutrients were distributed evenly throughout the manure, and the nitrogen was in a form readily available to crops. This supported efficient nutrient uptake and minimized the risk of nitrogen or phosphorous contamination of nearby surface waters.6
Connect with a local swine specialist to learn what EcoCare® feeds can do for you.

Colina, J., Lewis, A., & Miller, P. S. (2000). A Review of the Ammonia Issue and Pork Production. Nebraska Swine Reports, 24-25. Retrieved from
2 Walraven, T., Carter, S., Lachmann, M., Bundy, J., Jarrett, J., and DeRodas, B., (2009) “Effects of EcoCare® feeds on the mass balance of N and P during the swine finishing phase.”
Petersen, S.T., (2010) “The potential ability of swine nutrition to influence environmental factors positively.” Journal of Animal Science, E95-E101
4 Davis, M. E., T. Parrot, D. C. Brown, B. Z. de Rodas, J. B. Johnson, C. V. Maxwell, and T. Rehberger. (2008). Effect of a Bacillus-based direct fed microbial feed supplement on growth performance and pen cleaning characteristics of growing-finishing pigs.  J. Anim. Sci. 86:1459.
5 T. Walraven, S. Carter, M. Lachmann, J. Bundy, J. Jarrett and B. DeRodas (2008) Effects of EcoCare® Feed on growth performance and nutrient excretion of finishing pigs. Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 86.
Petersen, S.T., (2010) “The potential ability of swine nutrition to influence environmental factors positively.” Journal of Animal Science, E95-E101.