Search Results for 'impact proffesional'

Clari-Fly Add Pack fly control for dairy calves image

Buzzing flies are irritating for both you and your calves. Moreover, flies can increase spread of disease and interfere with feed intake to negatively impact calf growth. ClariFly® Add-Pack is a feed-through fly control additive to help support a...

Close-up image of a black calf face image

Over the last several years, many dairy producers across the country have bred a percentage of their dairy cow herd with beef semen to produce dairy-beef cross calves intended for beef. This practice has been a way to diversify producers’ incom...

Image of a black calf face image

With the opportunity to capitalize on the record low native beef herd numbers and the growing demand for high-quality beef, dairy-beef crossbred cattle producers can benefit from taking a second look at their early-life calf nutrition program.  ...

White faced calf drinking from black bucket. image

Every day, producers strive to maximize the efficiency of their milking cows. Often, this includes adjusting and balancing nutrition and animal health to support the adult cow, but are you raising an optimal calf that will later become a productive m...

Holstein calf in sun with two ear tags image

Water is an often overlooked aspect in many calf raising programs. Research has shown that it takes 17.3 days for the average U.S. dairy to first offer calves water.1 However, most experts agree that calves should be offered water at one to two days ...

Black calf laying in straw image

Over the last several years, many dairy producers across the country have bred a percentage of their dairy cow herd with beef semen to produce dairy-beef crossbred calves intended for beef. This practice has mainly been a way to diversify producer in...

Pasteurizing waste milk can reduce bacteria in calf nutrition.  image

Variation in nutrient content and bacteria counts in pasteurized whole milk fed to dairy calves might be more than expected.   Many farms have a readily available supply of waste milk and want to feed it to their dairy calves. But even if you ...

A young Holstein calf is laying down in a bed of straw. image

The long-standing practice of feeding dairy calves 2 quarts of milk or milk replacer twice a day has largely become a thing of the past.   As an industry, we are recognizing the importance of feeding dairy calves more nutrition early in life a...

A dairy calf’s digestive tract filled with microorganisms. image

Probiotics aren’t new. In fact, they’ve been around for years. With a recent focus on antibiotic use, there’s a renewed interest in nutritional products that support dairy calf health. Probiotics for calves are one option, but what ...

Holstein dairy calf stands among a group of other young calves.  image

Feeding more nutrition in the pre-weaning phase may help set calves up for lifetime success. What would you do if you knew what the future held? Would you plan differently if you could determine whether your dairy calves were going to be productiv...