
Feeding Broodmares for Optimum Performance

Life Stage : Breeding & Growing

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Purina Animal Nutrition

When feeding broodmares we must keep in mind that we want to meet the nutritional needs of the mare while also meeting the nutritional needs of the developing foal. 

Therefore, the needs of the broodmare change depending on her stage of reproduction.

A broodmare’s body condition may be the single largest influence on reproductive performance. Research has shown that mares maintained in moderate to fleshy condition will cycle earlier in the year, require fewer cycles per conception, have higher pregnancy rates and are more likely to maintain pregnancies than are thin mares. Ideally, broodmares should be maintained at a Body Condition Score of 5.5 to 6.5. Her ribs shouldn’t be visible but should be easy to feel.  (BCS's range from 1 to 9, see Body Condition Scoring Your Horse for more information).

While reproductive efficiency is important in all broodmares, recipient mares are responsible for carrying and nurturing foals transferred from valuable donor mares.  Achieving and maintaining this recommended body condition is especially critical in preparing mares for breeding season and should be an important criterion for choosing a recipient mare for an embryo transfer.  The added expense of the embryo transfer process can be significantly put at risk if either the donor mare or recipient mare comes into the breeding season in a body condition score below 5.  

Open mares
The open mares (not pregnant) that are also dry mares (not lactating) can be fed much like a maintenance horse. The energy (calorie) requirements of mature, idle horses may be met by feeding ample high-quality hay or pasture. When hay or pasture is adequate to support good body condition, open mares simply need free-choice salt and a good vitamin/mineral supplement such as Free Balance® 12:12 Vitamin & Mineral Supplement or a daily ration balancer such as Enrich Plus® Ration Balancing Horse Feed to support their nutrition needs without adding unnecessary calories. Even good quality forages will not provide adequate levels of important minerals and other nutrients to support optimal reproduction.  For more information on when a ration balancer is appropriate, visit Ration Balancer for Horses and Feeding for a Healthy Weight. 

For mares that are harder keepers, those needing to gain condition prior to breeding season or when hay or pasture are not supporting good body condition, supplementing with concentrate feeds such as Purina® Strategy® GX, Strategy® Healthy Edge, Ultium Competition or Omolene® #200 horse feeds will be needed.  Concentrate feeds will supply the appropriate protein, vitamins and minerals and the additional calories needed to maintain optimal body condition. Keep in mind that putting condition on a thin mare prior to breeding may take 60 – 90 days and will require more supplemental feed than would be needed to maintain a mare already in good condition.  

Early gestation
During early pregnancy (first eight months), the broodmare’s nutrient requirements are similar to those of the open or maintenance mare. During this time, the unborn foal is growing at a rate of about 0.2 pounds per day and does not put significant additional nutritional requirements on the mare. Once again, forages alone may not contain adequate amino acids, phosphorus, copper, and other minerals and vitamins, so the addition of Purina® Strategy® GX, Strategy® Healthy Edge, or Omolene® (#100, #200 or #300) horse feed is necessary. Purina® Ultium® Growth horse feed is another option for mares that require higher caloric density to maintain body weight and condition during early gestation. Which specific Purina horse feed is the best fit for your mare will depend on the forage quality and the calorie needs of the mare.

If the early-gestation mare is an easy keeper and maintains body weight and condition on hay or pasture without needing additional calories from concentrate feed, then Purina® Enrich Plus®, Enrich Plus® Senior or Omega Match® Ration Balancing horse feeds would provide essential nutrients for the mare and the developing foal without unnecessary calories.  

Late gestation
Sixty percent of the unborn foal's growth occurs during the last three months of pregnancy, so the late gestation mare's protein, energy, vitamin and mineral requirements increase to support this development. In fact, the foal's growth rate increases to about 1 pound per day during this period. In order to meet the needs of both mare and the developing foal, Purina® Ultium® Growth, Strategy® GX, Impact Professional Mare & Foal or Omolene® #200 or #300 horse feed should be fed along with good quality hay and/or pasture.  

Mare lactation
Lactating mares are among the hardest working horses and their calorie and nutritional requirements reflect that level of demand to support optimal milk production.  This is especially important for mares being bred again for a foal next year.  Mares produce an average of three - four gallons of milk daily over a five-month lactation period. Digestible energy requirements are highest for lactating mares immediately after foaling through the first three months of lactation. During this time, the mare’s calorie (energy) requirements are nearly double maintenance requirements. Protein needs are also highest during the first three months of lactation. Early in lactation, the foal requires milk that is rich in energy, protein, calcium and phosphorus, so the mare must be fed appropriately. 

Keep in mind, that a sudden change in feed to meet the mare's increased needs may increase the risk of digestive disturbances such as colic. Any changes or increases in concentrate feed should be made gradually over seven to 10 days to allow the mare's digestive system to adjust. Making those feed adjustments in the month prior to foaling will prepare the mare ahead of time for the significant increase in nutritional needs to support lactation.  Purina® Ultium® Growth, Impact Professional Mare & Foal, Strategy® GX or Omolene® #300 are all appropriate feed choices, especially if the foal is allowed to eat along with their mother.
In the fourth, fifth and sixth months of lactation, the mare's milk supply gradually decreases and most foals are weaned during this period.  Once the foal is weaned, the mare is back to being an open mare or an early gestation mare and her feeding rates can be reduced proportionately to maintain her body condition score for the next breeding season or to support a new pregnancy. For tips on feeding foals after weaning, see Feeding Foals After Weaning.

A well-implemented feeding program can help minimize issues during all stages of reproduction and support long-term success for both the mare and foal. Continue working with your veterinarian to support the health of your mare and foal during all stages of development, and contact Purina Animal Nutrition for any questions you may have on nutritional support.