
5 Key Points as You Approach Lambing and Kidding to Give a P.E.A.C.E. of Mind

Wellness : Health

Wellness : Health

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Purina Animal Nutrition

It’s that time of year when we become filled with anticipation as the next lambing and kidding season rolls around.  This is the next opportunity to improve our flocks and herds and reap the rewards of the hard work we put in the last 12 months.  Here are 5 key points to help give you P.E.A.C.E. of mind as lambing and kidding season approaches.
  1. Prepare:  Take inventory of your supplies and equipment that might be needed and ensure that colostrum and milk replacers are purchased in anticipation of bonus lambs/kids or if planning to hand-raise offspring.  Discuss with your veterinarian what vaccinations or other preventative health measures are needed.
  2. Evaluate:  As the ewes/does are entering the last third of gestation, review the feeding program to make sure the females are getting what they need.  Start increasing the energy density of the feed to support the fast growth of the fetuses as birth approaches.  Make sure there is enough feeder space to allow each animal to get what is needed.  Evaluate the body condition of the females to determine which ones may have challenging births.
  3. Attend to:  Observe the ewes/does as they approach birthing and prepare to assist as needed.  Ensure that the lambs and kids nurse within the first 4 to 8 hours or provide a colostrum replacer to start the lambs/kids off well.
  4. Clean:  Ensure the lambing or kidding area is organized ahead of the season, set up pens, and clean area before and throughout the season to help prevent diseases.
  5. Energy:  After lambing and kidding, increase the energy offered to the ewes and does to support lactation.  Offer the lambs/kids creep feed to help them start on feed early to begin rumen development, promote growth, and allow them to transition well to dry feed at weaning.
Hopefully these 5 key points will give you P.E.A.C.E. of mind during the upcoming lambing/kidding season and will get the lambs or kids off to a great start.