Purina® Microbiome Quotient for Poultry

Bring us your poultry health challenge, and we’ll analyze the microbiome to identify a customized solution.

Purina® Microbiome Quotient for Poultry

Bring us your poultry health challenge, and we’ll analyze the microbiome to identify a customized solution.

You can easily quantify the performance impacts of a poultry disease challenge. Performance goes down, and mortality adds up, leading to higher costs and lower profitability. The numbers are clear.

The cause of the challenge is usually less clear, often because it is hidden in the microbiome of the bird. With the right tools, it is possible to accurately characterize the source of the disease challenge and identify a customized solution to support poultry health and performance.

The microbiome is a community of microbes that impact poultry health and performance. They live throughout a bird’s gastrointestinal tract, skin and respiratory tract, as well as in the poultry house environment. This complex community impacts poultry health and performance – some members benefit bird health and others cause challenges.

The Purina® Microbiome Quotient™ service gets to the bottom of a poultry disease challenge to identify a specific solution through three steps:

Purina commercial poultry microbiome quotient analysis three-step process

Characterize the flock health challenge

The work begins with an investigation. We will partner side-by-side with your team to study the disease challenge and narrow down possible causes. Then we collect strategic microbiome samples from birds and the poultry house environment to build a dataset.

Analyze the data and identify a customized solution

Our team uses gene sequencing technology in the Purina Emerging Technologies Lab to analyze the samples. Gene sequencing technology allows us to identify members of the microbial population to the genus level.

Often, we find imbalances in the microbiome that contribute to pathogen growth, and this helps direct our search for a potential solution.

Optimize flock performance

Our approach to a challenge on one poultry operation could be vastly different than our approach to another. In either case, the result is a customized solution for optimal poultry performance.

Do you need a fresh set of eyes to get to the bottom of a poultry disease challenge? Purina’s team of poultry feed experts and scientists bring decades of experience in poultry nutrition, production and research to the table. Let’s get started on a solution today.

White chickens with red combs