
Check Your Cowherd Progress with Pregnancy Checks

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Purina Animal Nutrition

The current strong cull cow prices provide more incentive to identify open females or cows not bred in the 60-day breeding season. Pregnancy checks allow you to identify and capture a return on those cull cows while keeping the herd productive.
Pregnancy checks also help you monitor the success of your breeding program. If there are many open cows, you can conduct a breeding soundness exam on bulls ahead of breeding or modify your artificial insemination (AI) protocol for the next breeding season.
Nutrition can also play a role in cows not getting bred. Evaluate body condition scores (BCS) during pregnancy checks to identify if there’s a cattle nutrition issue for those open females. Aim for a body condition score 6 and stay between a body condition score 5 and 6; if cows are below a body condition score 5, there could be nutritional problems hindering breeding performance.
Does your cattle nutrition program stack up? Find out with a Proof Pays trial.